Be More Ben
supporting families after the death of a child
Be More Ben was established in 2018 by Shane and Sarah Pritchard following the death of their 8-year-old son, Ben.
After he died, they found there was very little support for parents, even less for siblings and nothing at all for other family members. What was available was short-term or included formal meetings once or twice a year.
Shane and Sarah were desperate to ensure that no parents should face losing a child alone. Be More Ben enables families to meet with others who completely understand what it’s like when your child dies. Parents and families can build their own support networks, access counselling and other therapies and have opportunities to create new memories whilst remembering their child who has died.
Be More Ben supports the whole family affected by the death of a child from birth up to the age of 18. Find out more about us here.
What we do?
Parents Groups
Family Groups
Men’s Groups
Sibling Groups
Family Days Out
Creative Workshops
Wellness Activities
Counselling (including EMDR and Hypnotherapy)
Virtual Support
Care Boxes
Up Coming Events
PCC Winter Challenge
Be More Ben May Ball
Great Bristol Runs
Bath Half Marathon
How to get involved
Join one of our fundraising events
Become a corporate sponsor
Make a monthly donation
Sponsor a cause
Volunteer your time or skills
Become a Be More Ben Ambassador
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